
Community Care: A Harm Reduction Workshop

Sunday, November 12th

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

The Tea House, White River Junction VT

Join us on Sunday, November 12th, at The Tea House in White River Junction for our Community Care harm reduction workshop.

We'll have speakers from GMPA and Vermonters For Criminal Justice Reform, talking about the opiate crisis in Vermont, a bit about its history, where the state currently stands, and how cannabis can be used as an alternative to relieve chronic pain.

Afterward, Jessilyn Dolan will be leading a naloxone administration training, where each attendee will learn to administer the life-saving drug. Everyone who joins us will be leaving with a free box of naloxone to carry with them in the future.

Finally, we'll have a short networking period for folks to connect one on one, ask us questions, and eat some snacks.

Spaces are very limited. However, this will not be the last event of its kind! If you are a business owner and would like to get your employees trained to administer naloxone, get in touch, and we'll coordinate another event.

RSVP using the form below.

Looking forward to seeing you all there! 🌿

In-Person Event

Support Vermont’s Medical Cannabis Patients and Caregivers